
Read the latest news from the world of tennis, coaching philosophy and guides to help you become a better coach.

Donā€™t engage in outside distractions whilst in tournament mode coaching philosophy news Oct 26, 2020

By Val Febbo with Marc Sophoulis

The 2020 French Open was fairly bizarre in many ways, for starters players wore leggings and long sleeves due to freezing weather, it was in September/October and...

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New balls, please: The numbers behind Roland Garrosā€™ Wilson balls news technical analysis Sep 28, 2020

By Joel Fruci with Marc Sophoulis

Day one of the French Open main draw has come and gone, but that’s all the time it took for the tournament’s unique conditions and fresh balls to become...

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How to beat an opponent you lost to the week before coaching philosophy news Sep 17, 2020

By Val Febbo with Marc Sophoulis

It happens often in tennis, player A beats player B one week, and then a week later they have to do battle once more, and sure enough a lot of the time the result...

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Has your coaching vision changed over your career? q&a Sep 01, 2020

By Marc Sophoulis

So this week's question is "has my vision, my motivation changed in my coaching career and my coaching journey?"

Absolutely. You know, there's no doubt when I first started...

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Tournament Play podcasts Aug 30, 2020

Marc Sophoulis

Thanks for joining us once again here on Crunching the Numbers. You have Marc Sophoulis and Shane Liyanage from Data Driven Sports Analytics. Shane, thank you once again for joining...

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10 Steps to Becoming a Successful 'High Performance' Coach' coaching philosophy Aug 28, 2020

By Marc Sophoulis

So, you have made the decision to become a career coach working in ‘High Performance’ sport?

The definition of 'High Performance' is usually referred to as the level of...

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Understanding the Player podcasts Aug 23, 2020


Marc Sophoulis

Welcome to another episode of Crunching the Numbers with Marc Sophoulis and Shane Liyanage from Data Driven Sports Analytics. Shane, thank you so much for joining us...

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Striking a balance - Early specialisation vs diversification coaching philosophy Aug 20, 2020

By George Vogiatzis

We have all heard the glory stories. It goes something like this:

“Child picks up racquet at three, shows talent, dedicates everyday to working on their craft, tennis is...

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What are the biggest mistakes you've made as a coach? q&a Aug 18, 2020

Thanks Mario for your question around the biggest mistakes I've made as a coach. I feel like I've made a lot and probably that's why I've gotten to the place in my coaching that I'm at. I feel like...

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10 Ways to Develop Motor Skills for Tennis [2020] technical analysis Aug 17, 2020

By Marc Sophoulis

Motor skills are used every day throughout our lives. They help us move and do everything from lifting heavy items to typing on a keyboard. Motor skills and motor control begin...

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Mindfulness a key to living in the present: Sophoulis coaching philosophy Aug 15, 2020

By Val Febbo

Mindfulness is becoming a more prevalent notion everyday, with more people adopting meditation as a pass time throughout what has been a dismal year on a global scale.

Tennis coach and...

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What should I be doing in the lead up to a match? q&a Aug 11, 2020

One of the common conversations I have with my athletes is around the lead up to their match, so here I'm going to talk specifically about the lead up to the match on the day of the match. 


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